Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here's an experiment:
Step 1: log on to the internet and type in any candidate's name.
Step 2: count how many blogs written about why that person should be elected (don't worry you won't need two hands for this)
Step 3: click on any of the blogs and read one

By step 2, you should have already realized that most of the blogs are about why a candidate should not be elected. I was only able to find two blogs that supported a candidate. The first blog was written for Democratic candidate Rod Smith, Rodsmith2006.com/blog. The last entry was written by Rod Smith himself. You would think if anyone was going to convince you to vote for Smith, it would be the man himself- right? Don't be so sure. His blog lists the issues and then under each issue a one-liner describing how easily he's going to resolve it.

Rod Smith on teacher salaries: "I will pay teachers more so that Florida attracts and retains the best talent in our classrooms."
Okay, Rod how much more are you going to pay them? One dollar? Five-thousand dollars? And just where are you getting the money?
Rod Smith's plan to reform the homeowner's insurance market: "I'm going to fix the system and give the people of Florida peace of mind."
This guys a genius. The other candidates are all worried about plans and budgets, but not Rod. He's going to grant the people of Florida piece of mind; kind of like a magic genie.

The blog goes on for three pages that really make you wonder why a man with this much promise is behind in the polls.

The other blog supported Democratic candidate Jim Davis. It was entitled "Fed Up With FCAT Vote Jim Davis". Although this blog wasn't written by the candidate himself, it was slightly more convincing. The author known as "Smashed Frog" uses colorful images and fantastic alliteration to convey his message that Florida families are fed up with the "flunkin FCAT". To drive his point home, Smashed Frog sprinkled his entire blog with links to articles about the FCAT and the support its received from Republican candidate Charlie Crist. He also quotes Florida statutes and politicians who oppose the FCAT and tests like it.("Hey, Rod you could learn a thing or two from this Smashed Frog guy")

As for Republican candidate Katherine Harris: I searched high and low for anything written about her that was positive and I couldn't find one blog; other than her own website, which reads kind of like Rod Smith's blog. Even the conservative Christians she caters to turned against her. In a blog called The Moderate Voice one woman said Harris' remarks "were offensive to me as a Christian and a Republican." Wow, Katherine. If you were in primary school, you'd be the kid sitting in the corner by the trash can that everyone throws spitballs at.

I've read plenty of other blogs about this year's General Election candidates, but none worth mentioning. The only conclusion I can make from all my research is that most candidates and their supporters still haven't realized how important the internet is to the electoral process. They rather spend their campaign dollars on those ridiculous political advertisements that patronize and annoy voters.